Both designs are available at my cafe press shop as ceramic ornaments. I also added some stockings to my shop with angels on them! I love doing collage work like this. I used to cut up magazines but now, I cut down on the mess and use photoshop, hehe.
Let's go back in time a little while to Halloween, shall we? Here are some poison bottles that I made:

No, I don't have a messy craft table, why do you ask? eheheh :) One is for "Resurrection Lilly", a plant that will bring you back from the dead as a vampire! Really! And the other is "Poison Monk's Cowl" a plant with a deadly flower that resembles an alchemist's hood... And here is the strange cat-beast that I transformed into that night...

Okay, back to merry, bright December :)
Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season!