This first lady looks like more of an angel and that's okay with me. The wings are Tattered Angels Foil Chip Chipboards. The body is clip art from The Graphics Fairy.
This lady is in a darker vein and already had her wings. I just had to decorate and give her a button body. The picture was cut from Dragon Magazine which is now only available online. Lucky for me, my hubby had many of these stashed away from his Dungeons and Dragons days :) I love going through and cutting out pics of mythical beasts and such. The buttons are decorated with a mix of Tattered Angels Glitter Glaze in Wicked (green) and Flirty (burgundy). I'm sorry I don't know who the artist is, though.
This sensuous goddess fairy is from a comic book! The figure was a dancing Mata Hari. The artist's name is Roy Allan Martinez and the comic was written by Rich Wilkes. I loved the colors as well as her pose and used that for the inspiration for the rest of the fairy. The buttons are decorated with Tattered Angels Glitter Glam Walkin' On Sunshine and Viva Decor 3D Glitter-Gel in Gold. I think I threw some red glitter puffy paint in there, too.

Last, but not least (because that would make her even more upset!) my sad, little pouty-face fairy ;) She is a photo cut from a magazine and stuck into my scrapbook long, long ago. I just liked the picture a lot. I wish I knew who the model or the photographer was! Anyway, she has some beautiful wings that I cut with my cricut and decorated with Star Dust Stickles. Her button body is also decorated with Stickles and Tattered Angels Glitter Glam in Chandelier.

Try it! It's one of those things that is so fun and really hard to screw up!